Take the AGE test

Is your diet ageing your skin? Take the AGE test:

The average modern western diet is rich in harmful molecules which age the body called advanced glycation end products (AGE or AGEs for short). Take the AGE test from the book Younger Skin in 28 Days to see if your diet is sabotaging your skin:


Evaluating your score:

A high score of 100 or above can indicate you are exposed to a high amount of AGEs on a frequent basis, and diet modifications including adding AGE-lowering foods into your diet would be beneficial.

A medium score of 20-99 can indicate you are exposed to a medium range of AGEs on a frequent basis, and diet modifications including adding AGE-lowering foods into your diet would be beneficial to reduce your score further.

A low score of 5-19 indicates you are on the right track and you could benefit simply by adding more antioxidant-rich foods into your daily diet.

A very low score of 0-4 is excellent.

MORE ...

For delicious AGE-lowering recipes, shopping guides, skincare and more, purchase Younger Skin in 28 Days available via our product page HERE.

For more information on the harmful effects of glycation/AGEs, refer to our blog post HERE.



Joliee Skin is the official website for skin health nutritionist Karen Fischer, author of The Healthy Skin Diet and The Eczema Diet

Contact Joliee Skin or nutritionist Karen Fischer via our Contact page

For skin care advice and diet information, book a professional nutrition consultation with Karen Fischer via the Joliee Skin consultation page here

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